General Topics in Instrumentation and Controls
Technical Session|Sponsored by HFICD
Thursday, November 19, 2020|10:00–11:45AM EST (3:00–4:45PM)
Rick Michal (American Nuclear Society)
Session Recording
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Reducing reactor trips by improvement of Digital Core Protection System
Thiago Nascimento (KEPCO International Nuclear Graduation School), JaeCheon J. Jung (KEPCO International Nuclear Graduate School)
Implementation of a Real-Time Automatic Test for Bistable and Coincidence Logics Based on FPGA
SOO YUN HWANG (KEPCO E&C), Yoon H. Lee (I&C System Engineering Department, NSSS Division, KEPCO E&C, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon, 34057, Republic of Korea), Hyun Jeong Kim (KEPCO E&C / I&C Engineering), Ki H. Jung (KEPCO E&C)
Presentation Video (Visible to Attendees) — Presentation Video - Soo Yun Hwang
Electric Noise Shielding for Inductively-Coupled Sensor Coils in Molten Sodium
Raza Sheikh (Univ. of Pittsburgh), Danielle Kline (Univ. of Pittsburgh), Jerry Potts (University of Pittsburgh), Paul Cox (University of Pittsburgh), Sacit M. Cetiner (Oak Ridge National Laboratory), Heng Ban (University of Pittsburgh)
Quantitative Testing of Distributed Antenna Systems in Nuclear Power Plants
Brent D. Shumaker (AMS Corporation), Phil Zarb (AMS), Morgan Berg (AMS Corporation), Chad J. Kiger (AMS Corporation)
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