The Innovations Awards is a DOE-sponsored program to recognize students who have produced innovative research related to Nuclear Technology R&D. Full details of the program can be seen at
Session Recording
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Oxide Growth and Dissolution Measurement of 316L Stainless Steel Exposed to Simulated PWR Primary Water and Ion Irradiation
Use of 15N NMR Spectroscopy to Probe Covalency in a Thorium Nitride
Development of High Energy Resolution Cs4BI6:Eu (B = Ca and/or Sr) Scintillators
Electrophoretic Separation Properties of Lanthanum and Gadolinium for Reprocessing Applications
Expanded Nuclear Activities in Space Require Expanded Non-Proliferation Policies
Corrosion of Structural Materials in Fluoride Molten Salt with EuF3 and Simulant Fission Products
Benzotriazolium Metallate for 99Tc Immobilization and Remediation
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