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Preliminary Experiment on Local Hot Spots in Liquid Metal Cooled Wire-wrapped Pin Bundles

3:15–3:35PM EST

Taehwan Ahn (ETH Zurich), Wilhelm-Martin Bissels (PSI), Victor Petrov (Univ. Michigan), Annalisa Manera (ETH Zürich)

Code Comparison of SE2ANL and DASSH Using a Medium-Size SFR

3:35–3:55PM EST

Michael A. Smith (ANL), Kyle M. Ramey (ANL), Nicolas E. Stauff (ANL)

Modeling of Natural Convection in Low Prandtl Number Fluids Using a Novel Local Algebraic Heat Flux Model

3:55–4:15PM EST

Victor Habiyaremye (Nuclear Research and Consultancy Group), Akshat Mathur (Nuclear Research and Consultancy Group), Ferry Roelofs (Nuclear Research and Consultancy Group)

Coupling SAS-FATE for Mechanistic Source Term Analysis of Lead-Cooled Fast Reactors

4:15–4:35PM EST

Sung Jin Lee (Fauske & Assoc.), Luciano Maniaci (Westinghouse Electric Co.), Jim Scobel (Westinghouse Electric Co.), Jun Liao (Westinghouse Electric Co.), Paolo Ferroni (Westinghouse Electric Co.), Dan O’Grady (ANL)

Experimental Friction Factor for Wire-Wrapped Bundle with a Porous Blockage

4:35–4:55PM EST

Matthew Kinsky (TAMU), Dalton Pyle (TAMU), Craig Menezes (TAMU), Yassin Hassan (TAMU)

Numerical Study on Sodium Heat Transfer Characteristics for PLANDTL 37-Pin Fuel Assembly

4:55–5:05PM EST

Won-Seok Ryoo (Gachon Univ.), Jae-Ho Jeong (Gachon Univ.), Gi-Uk Choi (Gachon Univ.)


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