This session will conclude with a brief THD awards ceremony where the winners of the Technical Achievement Award and Bal-Raj Seghal Memorial Award will be honored.


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Fluid-Structure Interaction Evaluation of LVDT for Deflection Measurements of MURR LEU Fuel Plate

3:15–3:35PM EST

Guanyi Wang (ANL), Cezary Bojanowski (ANL), Andrew Hebden (ANL), Walid Mohamed (ANL), Valerio Mascolino (ANL), Earl Feldman (ANL), Erik Wilson (ANL), Aaron Weiss (Oregon State), Alexander Westerberg (Oregon State), Wade Marcum (Oregon State), Maria Pinilla (Univ. Missouri Research Reactor)

Advances in Thermal Hydraulics in the Dutch PIONEER Program

3:35–3:55PM EST

F. Roelofs (Nuclear Research & Consultancy Group), B.T.H. Verdonschot (Nuclear Research & Consultancy Group), F.S.L. Pangukir (Nuclear Research & Consultancy Group), P. Breijder (Nuclear Research & Consultancy Group), M.M.M.D. Hussain (Nuclear Research & Consultancy Group), V. Habiyaremye (Nuclear Research & Consultancy Group), E. Frederix (Nuclear Research & Consultancy Group), A. Mathur (Nuclear Research & Consultancy Group), K. Zwijsen (Nuclear Research & Consultancy Group), H. Uitslag-Doolaard (Nuclear Research & Consultancy Group), D.C. Visser (Nuclear Research & Consultancy Group), M.M. Stempniewicz (Nuclear Research & Consultancy Group), E.M.J. Komen (Nuclear Research & Consultancy Group)

Thermal Fatigue -- The Influence of Frequency on Temperature Fluctuation Amplitude

3:55–4:15PM EST

K. Angele (R&D Laboratories), P. Veber (Ringhals Nuclear Power Plant), H. Lindqvist (Forsmarks Kraftgrupp AB)

Prevention of Swirl Penetration in a T-Junction Dead-Leg Flow to Mitigate a Source of Thermal Fatigue

4:15–4:35PM EST

K. Angele (R&D Laboratories), R. Howard (Electricité de France)

Development of AMESIM Code Based Safety Analysis Methodology for PGSFR

4:35–4:45PM EST

Seon-Gon Kim (Gachon Univ.), Jae-Ho Jeong (Gachon Univ.)


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