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Robotic Automation Planning for Hazardous Environments in Unreal Engine 5

1:00–1:20PM EST

M. Leao Moreira (Univ. Illinois, Chicago), A. Gomez-Badillo (Univ. Illinois, Chicago), B. Albakri (Univ. Illinois, Chicago), R. Singh (Univ. Illinois, Chicago), S. Cetin (Univ. Illinois, Chicago)

Radiation Survivability of Dry Storage Canister Climbing Robot

1:20–1:40PM EST

Roman Parra Bravo (Penn State), Andon Breitenfeld (Univ. Texas, Austin), Ethan Elgavish (Univ. Texas, Austin), Mitchell Pryor (Univ. Texas, Austin)

Integration of Artificial Intelligence and Robotic Manipulator for Waste Segregation Tasks

1:40–2:00PM EST

Jose Solares (Florida Int'l Univ.), Anthony Abrahao (Florida Int'l Univ.), Leonel Lagos (Florida Int'l Univ.), Aris Duani Rojas (Florida Int'l Univ.), Himanshu Upadhyay (Florida Int'l Univ.)

Advancing Environmental Management Through Innovative Internships and Technology Projects at Hanford

2:00–2:20PM EST

Douglas Reid (WRPS), Kayle Boomer (WRPS), Leo Lagos (Florida Int'l Univ.), Brendon Cintas (Florida Int'l Univ.), David Rojas (Florida Int'l Univ.), Theophile Pierre (Florida Int'l Univ.), Pedro Chaviano (Florida Int'l Univ.)


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