Implementing the NEPA Amendments Enacted by the Fiscal Responsibility Act: Improving Efficiency While Balancing Public Involvement Opportunities in Environmental Reviews The Fiscal Responsibility Act of 2023 (FRA) amended the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). Prior to the FRA, NEPA had been largely untouched since it was signed into law in 1970. NEPA, requires Federal agencies to prepare environmental impact statements (EISs) for major Federal actions significantly affecting the quality of the human environment and provides opportunities for public participation to help inform agency decision making. This panel will review the changes made to NEPA by the FRA, and how federal agencies are updating their policies, regulations, and associated guidance. The panel will include representatives from federal agencies, and environmental contractors to discuss ongoing streamlining and modernization of environmental reviews in response to the NEPA amendments and CEQ regulation revisions.


  • Dustin G. Miller (TerranearPMC, LLC)


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