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Plutonium-238 Production Sensitivity and Validation Studies Continued: Effects of Core Component Compositions

3:15–3:35PM EST

David Chandler (Oak Ridge National Laboratory), Donny Hartanto (Oak Ridge National Laboratory), Jin Whan Bae (Oak Ridge National Laboratory), Kevin Burg (Oak Ridge National Laboratory), Yves Robert (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)

Beryllium Reflector Experiment Effects on High Flux Isotope Reactor Performance Metrics

3:35–3:55PM EST

David Chandler (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)

Preliminary Analysis of Low-Enriched Uranium (LEU) Fuel Performance in the MIT Reactor Fission Converter Experimental Facility

3:55–4:15PM EST

Caroline J. Sears (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), Jiankai Yu (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), Lin-Wen Hu (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), Benoit Forget (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), Kyle Anderson (Argonne National Laboratory), Valerio Mascolino (Argonne National Laboratory), Erik Wilson (Argonne National Laboratory)

SCALE Inventory and Reactivity Analysis as Part of the Hermes 2021 PSAR Review

4:15–4:35PM EST

Friederike Bostelmann (Oak Ridge National Laboratory), Benjamin R. Betzler (Radiant Nuclear), Donny Hartanto (Oak Ridge National Laboratory), William Wieselquist (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)

Neutronic Simulation of Daily Load Following Operation in a PWR-Based SMR Core

4:35–4:55PM EST

Woo Jin Lee (Hanyang University), Ser Gi Hong (Hanyang University)


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