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Comparative Analysis of Simplified Model for Simulating Flexible Operation in Small Modular Reactor

3:15–3:35PM EST

Inji Han (KEPCO Nuclear Fuel), Bum H. Jo (KEPCO Nuclear Fuel), Seung R. Yang (KEPCO Nuclear Fuel)

Assessment of Boron Concentration Requirement to Maintain Subcriticality After MINI-21 Reactor Shutdown

3:35–3:55PM EST

John D. Bess (JFoster and Associates, LLC), Gray S. Chang (JFoster and Associates, LLC), Patrick J. Moo (JFoster & Associates, LLC), Julie Foster (JFoster & Associates, LLC)

The Analysis of Controlling Reactivity Based on Coolant Temperature for Soluble Boron-Free SMR Core

3:55–4:15PM EST

Na Yeon Seo (KEPCO Nuclear Fuel), Seong H. Park (KEPCO Nuclear Fuel), Junggyu Lee (KEPCO Nuclear Fuel)

Evaluation of Core Characteristics of Soluble-Boron-Free Core and Boric-Acid Core SMRs

4:15–4:35PM EST

Jong Hoon Kim (KEPCO Nuclear Fuel), Bum H. Jo (KEPCO Nuclear Fuel), Jin S. Kim (KEPCO Nuclear Fuel), Gong H. Bae (KEPCO Nuclear Fuel)

Evaluation of Xenon Induced Reactivity Insertion Allowance for Control Rod Withdrawal Accident Analysis in Soluble Boron-Free Innovative SMR Core

4:35–4:55PM EST

Seunghwan Jun (KEPCO NF), Bum H. Jo (KEPCO NF), Hae C. Lee (KEPCO NF)


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