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Comparative Analysis of Heat Deposition Rates and DPA in the HFIR Flux Trap to Support LEU Conversion

8:00–8:20AM EST

Kevin Burg (Oak Ridge National Laboratory), Donny Hartanto (Oak Ridge National Laboratory), David Chandler (Oak Ridge National Laboratory), Jin Whan Bae (Oak Ridge National Laboratory), Yves Robert (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)

Development Status of MCSTD-GPU: GPU-Based Monte Carlo Time-Dependent Code for Reactor Transient Analysis

8:20–8:40AM EST

Eun Jeong (UNIST), Deokjung Lee (UNIST)

Code-to-Code Verification of the ARC Codes on a 1500 MWth Metallic-Fueled SFR Core

8:40–9:00AM EST

Ahmed A. Abdelhameed (Argonne National Laboratory), Kyle M. Ramey (Argonne National Laboratory), Kalin Kiesling (Argonne National Laboratory), Nicolas E. Stauff (Argonne National Laboratory)

Flux Characterization of Washington State University's Epithermal Neutron Beam Facility

9:00–9:20AM EST

Travis J. Zipperer (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory), Lawrence R. Greenwood (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory), Bruce D. Pierson (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory), Walter G. Luscher (Battelle/Pacific Northwest National Lab), Hillary L. Bennett (Washington State University), Christopher C. Hines (Washington State University)

2D Cylindrical SP3 Transport Calculation Using Finite Volume Method with Cross-Diffusion Treatment for Unstructured Meshes

9:20–9:40AM EST

Tomohiro Endo (Nagoya University), Akio Yamamoto (Nagoya University)


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