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Direct Contact Condensation Effects in Water-Cooled SMR Systems

8:00–8:20AM EST

Kenneth L. Fossum (Idaho National Laboratory), Piyush Sabharwall (Idaho National Laboratory), Clay Lietwiler (Holtec International)

The Fuel-Clad Transient Behavior of Uprated NuScale Using MELCOR

8:20–8:40AM EST

Mohammad A. Allaf (University of Wisconsin - Madison), Émile Zaccomer (École polytechnique), Grace Ejnik (University of Wisconsin-Madison), Woo H. Jung (University of Wisconsin-Madison), Michael Corradini (University of Wisconsin-Madison), Juliana P. Duarte (University of Wisconsin-Madison)

High-Resolution Temperature Measurements on Sodium Heat Pipes Applied to Microreactors

8:40–9:00AM EST

Erik M. Tillman (University of Wisconsin, Madison), Taigo A. Moreira (University of Wisconsin, Madison), Greg Nellis (University of Wisconsin, Madison), Mark H. Anderson (University of Wisconsin, Madison)

High Performance Heat Pipe Power Transient Testing at SPHERE Facility

9:00–9:20AM EST

Zachary D. Sellers (Idaho National Laboratory), Jeremy L. Hartvigsen (Idaho National Laboratory), Piyush Sabharwall (Idaho National Laboratory)


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