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Why the US Needs an Enduring Plutonium Critical Assembly

3:15–3:35PM EST

Jesson D. Hutchinson (Los Alamos National Laboratory), Cole Kostelac (Los Alamos National Laboratory), Robert C. Little (Los Alamos National Laboratory), Johnna B. Marlow (LANL), Jerry N. McKamy (Spectra Tech, Inc.), Garrett E. McMath (Los Alamos National Laboratory), Kristin N. Stolte (LANL), George E. McKenzie (Los Alamos National Laboratory)

Importance of Higher Fidelity Model Geometries During Optimization of Critical Experiments

3:35–3:55PM EST

Peter J. Brain (Los Alamos National Laboratory), Kelsey Amundson (Los Alamos National Laboratory), Theresa E. Cutler (Los Alamos National Laboratory), Jesson D. Hutchinson (Los Alamos National Laboratory), Noah Kleedtke (Los Alamos National Laboratory), Eric Williamson (Los Alamos National Laboratory)

The PARADIGM Project: Case Study in Balancing Experiment Uncertainty with Design Simplicity

3:55–4:15PM EST

Theresa E. Cutler (Los Alamos National Laboratory), Kelsey Amundson (Los Alamos National Laboratory), Peter J. Brain (Los Alamos National Laboratory), Matthew Devlin (Los Alamos National Laboratory), Nathan A. Gibson (Los Alamos National Laboratory), Jesson D. Hutchinson (Los Alamos National Laboratory), Noah Kleedtke (Los Alamos National Laboratory), Robert C. Little (Los Alamos National Laboratory), Denise Neudecker (Los Alamos National Security), Eric Williamson (Los Alamos National Laboratory)

Neutron Noise Analysis on Simulated Scatter-Based Detector List Mode Data for Subcritical MUSiC Configurations Using MCNP6.3 PTRAC

4:15–4:35PM EST

Luke Oukrop (Purdue University), Robert A. Weldon (Los Alamos National Lab.), Travis J. Grove (Los Alamos National Laboratory), Jesson D. Hutchinson (Los Alamos National Laboratory), Rene G. Sanchez (Los Alamos National Laboratory), George Mckenzie (Los Alamos National Lab.), Alexander T. McSpaden (Los Alamos National Laboratory)

Preliminary Benchmark Uncertainties for Deimos, a HALEU-Fueled and Graphite-Moderated Advanced Reactor Testbed

4:35–4:55PM EST

Peter J. Brain (Los Alamos National Laboratory), Theresa E. Cutler (Los Alamos National Laboratory), Kristin N. Stolte (Los Alamos National Laboratory)


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