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Design Evolution of a UO2-BeO Critical Experiment

8:00–8:20AM EST

William M. Cook (Sandia National Laboratories), Elijah Lutz (Sandia National Laboratories), David E. Ames (Sandia National Laboratories)

Sum-of-Fractions Method

8:20–8:40AM EST

Travis J. Zipperer (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory), Andrew W. Prichard (Trade Wind Services, Inc.), Travis M. Greene (Oak Ridge National Laboratory), William J. Marshall (Oak Ridge National Laboratory), Alexander Lang (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)

The Completion of Surrogate Testing for Low-Temperature TEX and a Look Towards the Future

8:40–9:00AM EST

Eric Aboud (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory), Jacob Glesmann (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory), Jesse Norris (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory), Catherine Percher (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory), Nick Killingsworth (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory), Paul Yap-Chiongco (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory), Venkata Ravindra (National Nuclear Laboratory, United Kingdom), Alfie O'Neill (National Nuclear Laboratory, United Kingdom), Deborah Hill (National Nuclear Laboratory, United Kingdom), Steve Graham (National Nuclear Laboratory, United Kingdom)

SCALE Developments for the U.S. Nuclear Criticality Safety Program: Recent Achievements and Outlook

9:00–9:20AM EST

Kursat B. Bekar (Oak Ridge National Laboratory), Jesse Brown (Oak Ridge National Laboratory), Cihangir Celik (Oak Ridge National Laboratory), Travis M. Greene (Oak Ridge National Laboratory), Shane W. Hart (Oak Ridge National Laboratory), William J. Marshall (Oak Ridge National Laboratory), Jordan D. McDonnell (ORNL), Ugur Mertyurek (Oak Ridge National Laboratory), Steve E. Skutnik (Oak Ridge National Laboratory), William Wieselquist (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)

IER 555: Status of Godiva-IV Benchmark (HEU-MET-FAST-086) Revision

9:20–9:40AM EST

Jeffrey A. Favorite (Los Alamos National Laboratory), Joetta M. Goda (Los Alamos National Laboratory)


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