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Safety Cases: Assumptions Versus Reality

8:00–8:20AM EST

James R. Rendell (National Nuclear Laboratory)

Functional Classification of Criticality Safety Controls at the Savannah River Plutonium Processing Facility

8:20–8:40AM EST

Brittany M. Williamson (Spectra Tech, Inc.)

Investigating Hydrogen Thermal Scattering Law Data with Critical Benchmarks

8:40–9:00AM EST

Travis M. Greene (Oak Ridge National Laboratory), William J. Marshall (Oak Ridge National Laboratory), Chris W. Chapman (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)

Evaluation of Thermal Neutron Scattering Cross Section of α-U3O8 with Ab Initio Lattice Dynamics

9:00–9:20AM EST

Junhyoung Gil (North Carolina State University), Ayman I. Hawari (North Carolina State University)

An Approach to Obtaining the Best-Estimate keff for Uncertainty in ZPPR Plates

9:20–9:40AM EST

Veronica V. Karriem (Oak Ridge National Laboratory), Douglas G. Bowen (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)


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