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Comparison of Hybrid and Pure Machine Learning Models in Limited Data Scenarios

1:00–1:20PM EST

Aidan J. Furlong (North Carolina State University), Xingang Zhao (Oak Ridge National Laboratory), Robert K. Salko (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)

OpenMC Variance Reduction by Adjoint Spatial Distribution Source Sampling

1:20–1:40PM EST

Bamidele Ebiwonjumi (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), Ethan E. Peterson (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)

Study of the Impact of the New Chlorine-35 Evaluation on Molten-Salt Reactors Operation

1:40–2:00PM EST

Amr T. Sadek (University of Sharjah), Fadel M. Nasser (North Carolina State University), Muhammad R. Altahhan (North Carolina State University), Tommy Cisneros (TerraPower), Maria Avramova (NCSU), Yousry Azmy (NCSU), Kostadin Ivanov (NCSU)

Nuclear Data Uncertainty Quantification in LFR Pin Cell Using SANDY and Serpent

2:00–2:20PM EST

Carles Montoliu Lobo (North Carolina State University), Spencer C. Ercanbrack (North Carolina State University), Muhammad R. Altahhan (North Carolina State University), David M. Holler (North Carolina State University), Kostadin N. Ivanov (North Carolina State University), Maria N. Avramova (North Carolina State University)

Evaluating the Uncertainty Effects of Carbon Nuclear Data on Pebble Bed Reactor Physics: A Comparative Study of ENDF/B-VII.1 and ENDF/B-VIII.0

2:20–2:40PM EST

Amr T. Sadek (University of Sharjah), Mahmoud Q. Yaseen (North Carolina State University), Spencer Ercanbrack (NCSU), Muhammad R. Altahhan (North Carolina State University), Xu Wu (NCSU), Kostadin Ivanov (NCSU)


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