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Corrosion Behaviors of SS316 in NaCl-KCl-UClx Salts

3:15–3:35PM EST

Jun Woo Park (KAIST), Jong-Il Yun (KAIST)

Corrosion Performance of sans-Cr Ni Alloys in FLiNaK Salt

3:35–3:55PM EST

Gabriel Lewis (University of Idaho), Haiyan Zhao (University of Idaho), Djamel Kaoumi (North Carolina State University)

Development of the Rotating Cylinder Electrode for Molten Salt Corrosion Measurement

3:55–4:15PM EST

Ranon Fuller (Brigham Young University), Kaiden Exon (Brigham Young University), Devin Rappleye (Brigham Young University)

Zero-Dimensional Chemical Corrosion Model in Kairos Power's Advanced Systems Code

4:15–4:35PM EST

Samuel Richesson (Kairos Power), Sam Mossadeghian (Kairos Power), Haihua Zhao (Kairos Power LLC)

Massachusetts Institute of Technology Molten Salt Irradiation Flow Loop Detector Simulation

4:35–4:55PM EST

Seth D. Dayawansa (The University of Texas at Austin), Kevin T. Clarno (University of Texas at Austin), Charles W. Forsberg (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), David M. Carpenter (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)


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