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Modeling UN Fission Gas Release in BISON for Microreactor Applications

3:15–3:35PM EST

Kaylee M. Cunningham (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), Christopher Matthews (Los Alamos National Laboratory)

Preliminary Investigation of CRUD for Natural Circulation SMR from High-Pressure Test Loop

3:35–3:55PM EST

Ju Hun Jung (Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology), In Cheol Bang (Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology)

Interfacial Analysis of Blister Formation in U-10Mo Mini-Plates

3:55–4:15PM EST

William A. Hanson (Idaho National Laboratory), Jan-Fong Jue (Idaho National Laboratory), Adam B. Robinson (Idaho National Laboratory), Katie A. Hawkins (Idaho National Laboratory), Margaret Marshall (Idaho National Laboratory), Dennis D. Keiser (Idaho National Laboratory), Jeffrey J. Giglio (Idaho National Laboratory), James I. Cole (Idaho National Laboratory)

Processing-Microstructure-Tensile Performance Nexus in Pure Molybdenum

4:15–4:35PM EST

Holden Hyer (Oak Ridge National Laboratory), Sebastien Dryepondt (Oak Ridge National Laboratory), Thomas Muth (Oak Ridge National Laboratory), Jim Nash (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)

Non-Contact Strain Measurement Methods for Tensile Tests

4:35–4:55PM EST

Benjamin Arms (University of Michigan)


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