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Development of an Efficient Calculation Method for the Design and Analysis of Experiments in the Flux Trap of the High Flux Isotope Reactor

1:00–1:20PM EST

Zain Karriem (Oak Ridge National Laboratory), A. Souders (Oak Ridge National Laboratory), D. Crawford (Oak Ridge National Laboratory), L. Delmau (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)

Production of Ac-225 and Other Neptunium Chain Isotopes from Thorium Irradiation in NETL's TRIGA

1:20–1:40PM EST

Ondrej Chvala (University of Tennessee Knoxville), Kevin T. Clarno (University of Texas at Austin), William S. Charlton (University of Texas-Austin)

A Workflow to Optimize Fast Neutron Irradiation in A Thermal Neutron Spectrum Test Reactor Leveraging Open-Source Tools

1:40–2:00PM EST

Mustafa K. Jaradat (Idaho National Laboratory), Jason V. Brookman (INL)

Production of Medically Desirable Radioisotopes in the EIRENE Molten Salt Reactor

2:00–2:20PM EST

Erika Moss (University of Tennessee Knoxville), Ondrej Chvala (University of Tennessee Knoxville), Donny Hartanto (Oak Ridge National Laboratory), John P. Carter (Idaho National Laboratory)

Nondeterministic Particle Beam Optimization Applied to Industrial Isotope Separators

2:20–2:40PM EST

Peter Norgard (University of Missouri Research Reactor)


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