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Pebble-Bed-Moderated Molten-Salt Reactor with Replaceable Graphite and Alternative Fuel Cycles

1:00–1:20PM EST

Charles W. Forsberg (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), Eugene Shwageraus (Cambridge University)

Determining Fuel Salt Compositions for a Moderated Large-Sized MSR with SCALE

1:20–1:40PM EST

Donny Hartanto (Oak Ridge National Laboratory), Georgeta Radulescu (Oak Ridge National Laboratory), Friederike Bostelmann (Oak Ridge National Laboratory), William Wieselquist (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)

Applications of Flowing Molten Salt Loops with Neutron Irradiation

1:40–2:00PM EST

Charles W. Forsberg (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), David M. Carpenter (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), Ayman I. Hawari (North Carolina Sate University), Raluca O. Scarlat (University of California at Berkeley), Kevin Robb (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)

Liquid Fuel Performance Characterization

2:00–2:20PM EST

Kevin A. Kelly (EPRI), Brandon M. Chisholm (Southern Company), Daniel Moneghan (EPRI)

Evaluation of Chloride Salt Fast Reactor Waste Stream Management and Research Needs

2:20–2:40PM EST

Irfan R. Ibrahim (Vanderbilt University), Allen G. Croff (Vanderbilt University), Steven L. Krahn (Vanderbilt University), Daniel Moneghan (EPRI)


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