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VVER-1000 Pin-Cell Nuclear Data UQ Using SANDY/SERPENT

1:00–1:20PM EST

Spencer C. Ercanbrack (North Carolina State University), Muhammad R. Altahhan (Department of Nuclear Energy, NC State University), Luca Fiorito (SCK-CEN Library), Maria N. Avramova (North Carolina State University), Kostadin N. Ivanov (North Carolina State University)

GOTHIC Benchmark to a Containment Vessel Passive Cooling Experiment

1:20–1:40PM EST

Diego E. Ross (Texas A&M University), Jeffrey W. Lane (Numerical Advisory Solutions), Jordan E. Penley (Numerical Advisory Solutions), Thomas M. Moore (Numerical Advisory Solutions)

Advanced Instrumentation of a Wire Wrapped Sodium Fast Reactor Fuel Rod Simulator

1:40–2:00PM EST

Nicholas J. Thoreson (University of Wisconsin - Madison), Mark H. Anderson (University of Wisconsin Madison)

CONSTELATION Model Results of Validation Experiment for HENRI in TREAT

2:00–2:20PM EST

Austin M. Warren (Oregon State University), Guillaume P. Mignot (Oregon State University), Trevor Kent Howard (Oregon State University), Wade R. Marcum (Oregon State University)

On the Definitions of Automation Trustworthiness and Automation Transparency in Nuclear Power Domain

2:20–2:40PM EST

Muhammad Hammad Khalid (University of Illinois Urbana Champaign), Ha H. Bui (University of Illinois Urbana Champaign), Ahmad A. Rashdan (Idaho National Laboratory), Zahra Mohaghegh (University of Illinois Urbana Champaign)


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