Cost: $49

Organizers: Cihangir Celik and Mathieu Dupont, Oak Ridge National Laboratory

This 4-hour workshop explores best practices in shielding analyses with the SCALE code system, for neutron and photon particle transport, material activation, and source term generation. Participants will learn how to simulate activation of materials, generate fission sources, and use a variance reduction method (CADIS or FW-CADIS) to estimate a dose rate calculation for a microreactor. They will also learn how to utilize SCALE’s graphical user interface to design and visualize the geometry of the model, investigate simulation results, and overlay mesh tally results onto the geometry.


  • Overview of key SCALE tools for radiation shielding
  • Hands-on session 1: Modeling materials, geometry, and generating fission sources with CSAS6
  • Hands-on session 2: Activation of reactor components with ORIGEN
  • Hands-on session 3: Dose rate calculations outside of the reactor with MAVRIC
  • SCALE outlook

No prior SCALE experience is required for this workshop. Participants are encouraged to bring their laptops with SCALE 6.3.1 installed. SCALE 6.3.1 can be requested from RSICC ( Participants without a SCALE 6.3.1 license or without a laptop may still attend the demonstration. The workshop material (presentations, input and output files for the demos) will be made available to all participants. Information about SCALE can be found here: