Cost: $49

Ivan Kodeli, UKAEA, Culham, UK

SUSD3D code uses the generalised perturbation theory to calculate the sensitivity coefficients and standard deviation in detector responses or reactor design parameters such as reaction rates, n/g doses, keff, beff, due to input cross sections and their uncertainties. Complex 1D, 2D and 3D shielding and criticality problems and several types of uncertainties can be considered, i.e. those due to: (1) neutron/gamma multi-group cross sections, (2) energy-dependent response functions, (3) secondary angular distribution (SAD) or secondary energy distribution (SED) uncertainties.

SUSD3D is available from NEA Data Bank as part of the XSUN-2023 Windows interface developed to assist the users in the preparation of input cards, rapid modification and execution of the complete chain of codes including TRANSX, PARTISN and SUSD3D. Multigroup cross sections and covariance matrices (in COVFIL, COVERX and BOXR formats), different energy structures and evaluations (JEFF-3.3, ENDF/B-VIII.0, JENDL-5, FENDL-3.2, ENDF/B-VII.4) are included for flexible and fast S/U and verification studies. New capabilities and options will be presented.