Embedded Topical Meeting

Young Professionals Congress 2015

General Chairs:

Allison Miller (Technical Staff, Sandia National Laboratories)

Elia Merzari (Nuclear Engineer, Argonne National Laboratory)

Program Chair:

Brett Rampal (Nuclear Engineer, NuScale Power, LLC)

Embedded Topical Meeting

12th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Applications of Accelerators (AccApp '15)

November 10–13, 2015

AccApp'15 will begin on Tuesday, November 10 and end on Friday, November 13, 2015 Registration for this meetings includes the Sunday, November 8, President's Reception, and Monday, November 9, Winter Meeting Opening Plenary, and President's Special Session. For all the most up-to-date travel, housing, and registration information please make sure website:http://answinter.org/ Make your room reservation now! The special group rate for the conference is $239+, and Government per diem rat of $177+. A limited number of rooms are reserved at this rate. To Book your Group Rate:Marriott Wardman Park Hotel phone number: Call 877-212-5752. Mention "American Nuclear Society" to receive special pricing: Reservations must be made by Thursday, October 15, 2015 , or before the group rooms are sold out, so do not delay. Prevailing hotel rates may apply after this date or when the group rooms are sold out, whichever occurs first.

General Chair:

Philip Cole (Professor, Idaho State University)

General Co-Chairs:

Ralf Kaiser (Section Head of the Physics Section, International Atomic Energy Agency)

Bradley Micklich (Senior Physicist, Argonne National Laboratory)

Program Chair:

Andrei Afanasev (Associate Professor, George Washington University)

Program Co-Chairs:

Alexander Ryazanov (Head of Laboratory, Professor, National Research Center "Kurchatov Institute")

Alex C. Mueller (Research Director, CNRS and Paris South University)