In Part 1 of innovations for expanding the value of the current fleet and further extending nuclear power plant life, many topics will be covered including Subsequent License Renewal, Extended Power Uprates and Digital Upgrades. Part 2 will cover additional topics supporting generating additional clean, nuclear energy from the existing fleet. This session features an expert panel from suppliers and utilities with a focus on nuclear fuel. Topics include 24-month cycles, Accident Tolerant Fuel (ATF), Higher Enrichments and Burnup and Spent Fuel Storage. A good portion of today’s operating fleet have already realized the benefits of 24-month cycle operations, including significant reduced costs for fewer refueling outages and increased nuclear generation, however there are segments of the operating reactors that have been unable to achieve an economic fuel cycle when limited to 5 weight percent Uranium enrichment. With the introduction of LEU+ (Low Enriched Uranium Plus) and higher licensed burnups, all plants have a clear economic path to 24-month operating cycles. Even reactors already operating 24-month cycles can take advantage of these innovations for more optimized fuel costs or even consider cycles longer than 24-months. Of course, this comes with modifications and licensing efforts for enrichment facilities, shipment from enrichers to fabricators, Fuel Fabrication facilities, shipment from fabricators to reactor sites and the reactors themselves, including spent fuel storage. The panel will provide examples of their innovative approaches and ignite the discussion for all participants around this challenging, but exciting topic.


  • Lauren Wirick (Westinghouse)
  • Mike Blom (Duke)


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