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Algorithm Review for the Development of a Real-Time Monitoring and Accountancy Open Framework for Fusion Energy

1:00–1:25PM CDT

Holly B. Flynn (SRNL), Collin R. Malone (SRNL), George K. Larsen (SRNL), Robert J. Lascola (SRNL), William E. Gilbraith (SRNL)

Progress of the SPARC Tritium Storage and Delivery, Fuelling and Isotope Separation Systems

1:25–1:50PM CDT

A. Hollingsworth (CFS), W.T. Shmayda (Tritium Solutions Inc.), C.R. Shmayda (Torion Plasma Corp.), H.K. Mutha (CFS), C. Tesluk (CFS), C. Chrobak (CFS), S. Knipe (CFS)

Deuterium Extraction from Helium with a Vanadium Vacuum Permeator: Commissioning of the Tritium Extraction eXperiment

1:50–2:10PM CDT

Thomas F. Fuerst (INL), Hanns Gietl (INL), L. Shayne Loftus (INL), Masashi Shimada (INL), Adriaan A. Riet (INL), Matthew D. Eklund (INL), Chase N. Taylor (INL)

Fuel Cycle Technology Selection for a Fusion Pilot

2:10–2:30PM CDT

T. Guin (SRNL), G.A. Larsen (SRNL), H. Flynn (SRNL), L. Angelette (SRNL), C.J. Koch (SRNL), H. Colon-Mercado (SRNL), K. McDonald (SRNL), J. Folkert (SRNL), B. Garcia-Diaz (SRNL)

Managing Tritium Reserves and Tritium Start-Up Inventories for Commercial Fusion Energy

2:30–2:50PM CDT

Samuele Meschini (MIT), Sara E. Ferry (MIT)


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