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The Evolution of Radioisotopic Thermal Generators

1:40–2:00PM MDT

Olivia M. Belian (New Mexico State)

Architecture of a Nuclear Propulsion Structure for Interstellar Travel

2:00–2:20PM MDT

Grace E. Bittlingmaier (Beam Alpha Inc.)

Do Low Radioactivity Space Nuclear Systems Need a Complete Safety Analysis Review?

2:20–2:40PM MDT

Ana Laura Villicaña (Georgetown Univ.)

Conceptual Design of a 100kW Heat Pipe Cooled Yttrium Hydride Moderated Micro Reactor

2:40–3:00PM MDT

Ryan J. Sei (Missouri Univ. Science and Technology), Liatris Parker-Reece (Missouri Univ. Science and Technology), Steph Moore (Missouri Univ. Science and Technology)


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