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Neutron Noise Simulation in 2D Geometries

9:00–9:20AM MDT

Harun Ardiansyah (Univ. Illinois, Urbana-Champaign), Tomasz Kozlowski (Univ. Illinois, Urbana-Champaign)

High Flux Isotope Reactor Analyses Using Modeling and Simulation For Low-Enriched Uranium Fuel Conversion

9:20–9:40AM MDT

Madison Gohlke (TAMU), Carol Sizemore (ORNL)

SUMMIT: Sodium-cooled University Mixed-spectrum Multi-enrichment Integral Test and research reactor

9:40–10:00AM MDT

Pavel G. Simeonov (NCSU), Ryan Perry (NCSU), Owen Wells (NCSU), Grier Neese (NCSU)

Fuel Characterization of a Novel MSR Design

10:00–10:20AM MDT

Mickey Bresnahan (Georgia Tech), Andrew Hummel (Georgia Tech)


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