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Novel gamma radiation detectors based on PLA biopolymer detector (PLAD) sensor technologies.

2:40–3:00PM MDT

Qi Heng Law (Purdue Univ.), Stepan Ozerov (Purdue Univ.), Rusi Taleyarkhan (Purdue Univ.), Elizabeth Dunlevy (Purdue Univ.)

Monte Carlo N-Particle (MCNP6) Transport Model Simulations of a Silicon-Surface Barrier Detector for Predictions of 232U Activity Concentration

3:00–3:20PM MDT

Gil B. Rubia (Virginia Commonwealth Univ.), Mahmoud Khatab (Virginia Commonwealth Univ.), Braden Goddard (Virginia Commonwealth Univ.)

Automated Liquid Nitrogen Cooling for HPGe/Clover Detector Array

3:20–3:40PM MDT

Parker M. Chute (Oregon State), Alex Spurling (Oregon State), Alexander T. Chemey (Oregon State)

SCRAM: Scatterable Radiation Monitoring - Photodiode Diode Detectors

3:40–4:00PM MDT

Brandon A. Spence (U.S. Military Academy), Kimberly Munro (U.S. Military Academy), David Polaski (U.S. Military Academy), Amar Rodgers (U.S. Military Academy), Lucas Tucker (U.S. Military Academy)


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