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Testing Coupling of the TRANSFORM Library to Julia

3:15–3:35PM MDT

Bailey Emerson-Betti (Univ. New Mexico), Scott Greenwood (ORNL), Vineet Kumar (ORNL)

Qualification of SIMULATE-5K for Stability Analysis of BWRs

3:35–3:55PM MDT

Giovanni Ronchi (ETH Zurich), Abdelhamid Dokhane (Axpo Power AG)

McSLAP Coupling to SIMULATE5 and PRESTO-2 for the Calculation of Dryout Safety Limits

3:55–4:15PM MDT

Pierluigi Tagliabue (Axpo Power AG), Giorgio Malavasi (Axpo Power AG)

Design of a Calandria-style Heavy Water Microreactor

4:15–4:35PM MDT

Max Goddard (Georgia Tech), Calvin D. Washburn (Georgia Tech), Connor Kelly (Georgia Tech)


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