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LLNL Criticality Safety Handbook Project

9:00–9:20AM MDT

David A. Cerny (Univ. California, Berkeley), Alan Yamanaka (LLNL)

Simulated Pulsed Neutron Experiments of the Inherently Safe Subcritical Assembly

9:20–9:40AM MDT

Alessandro Ingegno (Univ. California, Berkeley), Daniel J. Siefman (Univ. California, Berkeley), William J. Zywiec (LLNL)

Explicit Modeling of B4C in Neutron Absorber Plates

9:40–10:00AM MDT

Eirena M. Klemes (NCSU)

Real-Time Neutron Source Localization Using the NoMAD Detector and Random Forest Regression

10:00–10:20AM MDT

Natalie L. Cannon (Georgia Tech), Nicholas W. Thompson (LANL), Jesson D. Hutchinson (LANL), Steven R. Biegalski (Georgia Tech), Anna S. Erickson (Georgia Tech), Mark Smith-Nelson (LANL)


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