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Savannah River Plutonium Processing Facility (SRPPF): Overview and Context

11:00–11:30AM EDT

Timothy Brown (Savannah River Site)

Natural Recovery in Delta Plutonium Alloys

11:30–11:50AM EDT

Clarissa A. Yablinsky (Los Alamos National Laboratory), Tomas A. Martinez (Los Alamos National Laboratory), Todd P. Martinez (Los Alamos National Laboratory), Zachary S. Levin (Los Alamos National Laboratory)

Evaluation of Mechanically Induced δ to αʹ Phase Transformation in Pu-Ga Alloy

11:50AM–12:10PM EDT

Jacqueline I. Royer (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL)), Matthew T. Athon (PNNL), Matthew J. Olszta (PNNL), Dallas D. Reilly (PNNL), Dallin J. Barton (PNNL), Scott H. Swenson (PNNL), Strother J. Cooper (PNNL)

Correlating Microstructure to the Thermal Conductivity of Irradiated U-19Pu-10Zr Fuel

12:10–12:30PM EDT

Allison R. Probert (University of Florida), Ethan Hisle (Idaho National Laboratory), Mitchell Mika (University of Florida), Mary E. Sevart (University of Florida Student Section), Matthew Goodson (Idaho National Laboratory), Rafael Garcia (Idaho National Laboratory), Cynthia A. Adkins (Idaho National Laboratory), Luca Capriotti (Idaho National Laboratory), Assel Aitkaliyeva (University of Florida)


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