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Developments in the use of Noncollinear Density Functional Theory to Describe the Mechanical Properties of Plutonium Allotropes

4:20–4:40PM EDT

Alexander R. Munoz (Los Alamos National Laboratory), W. A. Phelan (Los Alamos National Laboratory), Sven P. Rudin (Los Alamos National Laboratory), Travis Jones (Los Alamos National Laboratory)

Changes in Stiffness and Internal Friction of d-PuGa due to Aging and Annealing

4:40–5:00PM EDT

Boris Maiorov (Los Alamos National Laboratory), C.A. Mizzi (Los Alamos National Laboratory), T.T.J. Munroe (Los Alamos National Laboratory), F.F. Balakirev (Los Alamos National Laboratory), M.L. Hayne (Los Alamos National Laboratory), M.J. Gibbs (Los Alamos National Laboratory)

Spin-Orbital-Polarized Density Functional Theory Approach to the Materials Physics of Pu Metal and its Alloys: Theory

5:00–5:20PM EDT

Babak Sadigh (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory), Kyoung Kweon (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory), Per Soderlind (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory)

On the use of Strictly Localized Basis Orbitals for the Description of Elemental Plutonium, Plutonium-Gallium Alloys, and Plutonium Oxides

5:20–5:40PM EDT

Raymond Atta-Fynn (Los Alamos National Laboratory), Sarah C. Hernandez (Los Alamos National Laboratory), Roxanne M. Tutchton (Los Alamos National Laboratory)


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