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Probing Bonding Properties of Pu by High Resolution X-ray Spectroscopy and Computations

11:00–11:30AM EDT

Tonya Vitova (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Institute for Nuclear Waste Disposal (INE)), Bianca Schacherl (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Institute for Nuclear Waste Disposal), Michelangelo Tagliavini (Heidelberg University, Institute for Theoretical Physics), Harry Ramanantoanina (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Institute for Nuclear Waste Disposal (INE)), Hanna Kaufmann (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Institute for Nuclear Waste Disposal (INE),), David Fellhauer (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology), Tim Prüßmann (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Institute for Nuclear Waste Disposal (INE)), Karin Popa (European Commission, Joint Research Centre Karlsruhe (JRC), Karlsruhe, Germany), Olaf Walter (European Commission, JRC), Maurits Haverkort (Heidelberg University, Institute for Theoretical Physics), Jochen Autschbach (University at Buffalo, State University of New York, Department of Chemistry), Paul Bagus (University at Buffalo, State University of New York; Department of Chemistry)

Predicting the Thermodynamic Stability of Novel Pu Intermetallics with Density Functional Theory

11:30–11:50AM EDT

Matthew S. Cook (Los Alamos National Laboratory), Sven P. Rudin (Los Alamos National Security), Eric D. Bauer (Los Alamos National Laboratory), David C. Arellano (Los Alamos National Laboratory), Derek V. Prada (Los Alamos National Laboratory), W. A. Phelan (Los Alamos National Laboratory)

Exploring the Local Structures and Temperature Accelerated Aging Effects of Plutonium/Plutonium-Based Materials Using New Facilities, Upgraded Probes, and Uncommon Analysis Techniques

11:50AM–12:10PM EDT

William A. Phelan (Los Alamos National Laboratory), Alexander R. Munoz (Los Alamos National Laboratory), Matthew S. Cook (Los Alamos National Laboratory), Greta C. Chappell (Los Alamos National Laboratory), David C. Arellano (Los Alamos National Laboratory), Derek V. Prada (Los Alamos National Laboratory), Jeremy N. Mitchell (Los Alamos National Laboratory), Eric. D. Bauer (Los Alamos National Laboratory), Sarah C. Hernandez (Los Alamos National Laboratory), Neil Harrison (Los Alamos National Laboratory), Paul H. Tobash (Los Alamos National Laboratory), Milinda Abeykoon (Brookhaven National Laboratory/National Synchrotron Light Source II)

Spin-Orbital-Polarized Density Functional Theory Approach to the Materials Physics of Pu Metal and its Alloy: Application

12:10–12:30PM EDT

Kyoung Kweon (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory), Per Soderlind (CMMD, Physical and Life Science Direct), Babak Sadigh (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory)


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