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Isolation and Reactivity of High-Valent Neptunium and Plutonium Complexes: Design Principles from Early f-Element Complexes

11:00–11:30AM EDT

Henry S. La Pierre (Georgia Institute of Technology), Kaitlyn S. Otte (Georgia Institute of Technology), Julie E. Niklas (Georgia Institute of Technology), Haruko Tateyama (Georgia Institute of Technology), Andrew C. Boggiano (Georgia Institute of Technology), Chad M. Studvick (University of Akron), Sabyasachi R. Chowdhury (University of South Dakota), Bess Vlaisavljevich (University of South Dakota), Ivan A. Popov (University of Akron)

Thermodynamic and Kinetic Analyses of Proton-Coupled Electron Transfer in Isostructural Neptunium and Plutonium Complexes

11:30–11:50AM EDT

Kaitlyn S. Otte (Georgia Institute of Technology), Julie E. Niklas (Georgia Institute of Technology), Chad M. Studvick (University of Akron), Charlotte L. Montgomery (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill), Alexandria R. C. Bredar (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill), Sabyasachi R. Chowdhury (University of South Dakota), Bess Vlaisavlejevich (University of South Dakota), Ivan A. Popov (University of Akron), Henry S. L. Pierre (Georgia Institute of Technology)

Plutonium Coordination Compounds with Hard, Soft, and Mixed Donor Ligands

11:50AM–12:10PM EDT

Joseph M. Sperling (Colorado School of Mines)

Transuranic Coordination Chemistry in Inorganic Acids and Bases

12:10–12:30PM EDT

Jennifer N. Wacker (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)


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