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Reactor Physics
The division's objectives are to promote the advancement of knowledge and understanding of the fundamental physical phenomena characterizing nuclear reactors and other nuclear systems. The division encourages research and disseminates information through meetings and publications. Areas of technical interest include nuclear data, particle interactions and transport, reactor and nuclear systems analysis, methods, design, validation and operating experience and standards. The Wigner Award heads the awards program.
Meeting Spotlight
ANS Student Conference 2025
April 3–5, 2025
Albuquerque, NM|The University of New Mexico
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The Standards Committee is responsible for the development and maintenance of voluntary consensus standards that address the design, analysis, and operation of components, systems, and facilities related to the application of nuclear science and technology. Find out What’s New, check out the Standards Store, or Get Involved today!
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Jul 2024
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Nuclear Science and Engineering
March 2025
Nuclear Technology
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February 2025
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Colin Judge: Testing structural materials in Idaho’s newest hot cell facility
Idaho National Laboratory’s newest facility—the Sample Preparation Laboratory (SPL)—sits across the road from the Hot Fuel Examination Facility (HFEF), which started operating in 1975. SPL will host the first new hot cells at INL’s Materials and Fuels Complex (MFC) in 50 years, giving INL researchers and partners new flexibility to test the structural properties of irradiated materials fresh from the Advanced Test Reactor (ATR) or from a partner’s facility.
Materials meant to withstand extreme conditions in fission or fusion power plants must be tested under similar conditions and pushed past their breaking points so performance and limitations can be understood and improved. Once irradiated, materials samples can be cut down to size in SPL and packaged for testing in other facilities at INL or other national laboratories, commercial labs, or universities. But they can also be subjected to extreme thermal or corrosive conditions and mechanical testing right in SPL, explains Colin Judge, who, as INL’s division director for nuclear materials performance, oversees SPL and other facilities at the MFC.
SPL won’t go “hot” until January 2026, but Judge spoke with NN staff writer Susan Gallier about its capabilities as his team was moving instruments into the new facility.
Technical Session
Tuesday, May 17, 2022|6:00–8:00PM EDT
Session Chair:
Cenk Guler
Alternate Chair:
Vefa N. Kucukboyaci
Session Organizer:
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Development and Verification of the pyIsoDep Depletion Package for Nuclear Thermal Propulsion Reactors
Matt Krecicki (Georgia Tech), Vigneshwar Manickam (Georgia Tech), Dan Kotlyar (Georgia Tech)
Development of Fast-Running Eighth Core Nodal Solution
Akinori Giho (Westinghouse Electric Co.), Baocheng Zhang (Westinghouse Electric Co.), Byron R. Frank (Westinghouse Electric Co.)
Nuclide Inventory Characterization of EBR-II MOX Fuel Test Pins
John D. Bess (JFoster & Assoc.), Chad L. Pope (Idaho State), Andrew S. Chipman (INL), Colby B. Jensen (INL)
Rossi-α Measurements on a System Consisting of Weapons Grade Plutonium Moderated by Polyethylene
George McKenzie (LANL), Theresa Cutler (LANL), Travis Grove (LANL), Alex McSpaden (LANL), Rene Sanchez (LANL)
Demonstration of MOOSE-Based Griffin Reactor Physics Code for Heterogeneous Lead-Cooled Fast Reactor Analysis
Colin Brennan (Univ. Texas, Austin), Hansol Park (ANL), Emily Shemon (ANL)
MCS Solutions for the TVA Watts Bar Unit 1 Multi-Physics Depletion Benchmark
Muhammad Imron (Ulsan Nat'l Institute of Science and Technology), Tung Dong Cao Nguyen (Ulsan Nat'l Institute of Science and Technology), Deokjung Lee (Ulsan Nat'l Institute of Science and Technology)
An Influence of Manufacturing Tolerances on Pin-Cell k-infinity of MOX Fuel Using Data from the FUBILA Experiment Program
Fujita Tatsuya (Nuclear Regulation Authority)
Inferring Small-Sample-Reactivity Worth from Oscillation Experiment with Auto-Corrected Local Flux
Paul Ferney (CEA), Romain Boffy (CEA), Guillaume Truchet (CEA), Benoit Geslot (CEA), Jean-Marc Palau (CEA)
Multiphysics FISPACT-II and TENDL-2019 Simulation: Neutron-Induced Damage Metrics
Jean-Christophe Sublet (IAEA), Mark Gilbert (United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority)
Approach to Nuclear Criticality in IAN-R1 Research Reactor
Jose A. Sarta Fuentes (Pontificia Univ. Javeriana), Luis A. Castiblanco B. (Technology and Nuclear Science)
Development of a High-Fidelity Multi-Cycle Model of the Nuscale Small Modular Reactor Using VERA
Una Baker (Univ. Wisconsin, Madison), Marisol Garrouste (Univ. Michigan), Sooyoung Choi (Univ. Michigan), Gabriel J. Soto (Univ. Wisconsin, Madison), Ben Lindley (Univ. Wisconsin, Madison), Brendan Kochunas (Univ. Michigan)
Sensitivity Analysis of Small Modular Reactor mPower with ATHLET
Heliang Wang (Harbin Engineering Univ.), Xiang Wang (Harbin Engineering Univ.)
Attachment — Poster
Development of keff in the Unfolding Process of the LOTUS Reactor Design
Yantao Luo (Harbin Engineering Univ.), Tian Zhang (Harbin Engineering Univ.), Xiang Wang (Harbin Engineering Univ.)
New Capabilities of the MORET 6 Monte Carlo Neutron Transport Code
W. Monange (IRSN), A. Bardelay (IRSN)
Investigating the AGN-201M Research Reactor's Unique Dominance Ratio
Mekiel Olguin (Univ. New Mexico), Christopher Perfetti (Univ. New Mexico), Forrest Brown (Univ. New Mexico)
Development of a Three-Dimensional APOLLO3® Neutrons Deterministic Scheme for the CABRI Reactor
Tommy Coissieux (CEA), Julien Politello (CEA), Claire Vaglio-Gaudard (CEA), Timothée Kooyman (CEA), Karim Ammar (CEA)
Coupling TRACE with Nodal Neutronics Code Ants Using the Exterior Communications Interface and VTT's Multi-Physics Driver Cerberus
R. Tuominen (VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland), R. Komu (VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland), V. Valtavirta (VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland)
Comparison and Investigation of Production of Specific Nuclides by Different Fission Yield Data
Ryosuke Shibano (Osaka Univ.), Hirochika Tanaka (Osaka Univ.), Masato Ohara (Osaka Univ.), Satoshi Takeda (Osaka Univ.), Takanori Kitada (Osaka Univ.)
Error Analysis of a Hybrid Control Drum Worth Model
Dean Price (Univ. Michigan), Shai Kinast (Nuclear Research Center Negev), Brendan Kochunas (Univ. Michigan)
Phase I Specifications and Preliminary Sensitivity Analyses of the OECD-NRC Liquid Metal Fast Reactor Core Thermal-Hydraulics Benchmark
David Holler (NCSU), Maria Avramova (NCSU), Cole Takasugi (NCSU), Rodolfo Vaghetto (TAMU), Yassin Hassan (TAMU)
Thermal Performance Sensitivity to Radial Power Flattening Considerations in Nuclear Thermal Propulsion Reactors
Matt Krecicki (Georgia Tech), Dan Kotlyar (Georgia Tech)
An Economics-By-Design Approach to a Radiant Integrated Thermophotovoltaic Microreactor System
Naiki Kaffezakis (Georgia Tech), Dan Kotlyar (Georgia Tech)
Reactivity Initiated Accident Uncertainty Quantification for Fuel Assembly with Subchannel Code
Awais Zahur (Ulsan Nat'l Institute of Science and Technology), Jinsu Park (Ulsan Nat'l Institute of Science and Technology), Alexey Cherezov (Paul Scherrer Institute), Yunki Jo (Ulsan Nat'l Institute of Science and Technology), Deokjung Lee (Ulsan Nat'l Institute of Science and Technology)
Studsvik R2 Materials Test Reactor Ad Hoc Depletion Strategy for the Derivation of the Fuel Isotopic Composition of the MPCMIV Benchmark
L. Giaccardi (NINE), S. Di Pasquale (NINE), S. Dulla (NINE), M. Cherubini (NINE), A. Petruzzi (NINE)
High-Burnup Isotopics Bias and Uncertainty Estimations for LANCR02
Joshua P. Finch (Global Nuclear Fuel), John Hannah (Global Nuclear Fuel)
Exponential Time Differencing Scheme for Mass Transport and Depletion in Molten Salt Reactors
Zack Taylor (ORNL), Benjamin S. Collins (ORNL), G. Ivan Maldonado (Univ. Tennessee, Knoxville)
An IIPG-Based Finite Element Framework in MOOSE for Modeling Fiber Reinforced Composite Failure Governed by Extrinsic Cohesive Laws
R. Liu (INL), W. Jin (INL), L. Harbour (INL), F. Kong (INL), C. Permann (INL), D. Gaston (INL), R. Podgorney (INL)
Study of Recirculating Liquid Fuel in a 1D Critical Stationary System
Mathis Caprais (Univ. Paris-Saclay), Daniele Tomatis (CEA)
Putting Multipoint Kinetics to the Test: Preliminary Analysis of the MUSE-4 Experiment with APOLLO3
Giorgio Valocchi (CEA), Jean Tommasi (CEA), Jean-François Lebrat (CEA), Frederic Mellier (CEA)
Deterministic Modelling of the SPERT IV Reactor Transients Using the Multi-Physics Capability of WIMS
Thomas Postlethwaite (HMS Sultan), Brendan Tollit (Jacobs), Peter Smith (Jacobs)
Presented by Alan Charles (Jacobs)
Recent Progress on the APOLLO3® Calculation Scheme for the FLUOLE2 Experiment
Romain Bertonazzi (CEA), Karim Ammar (CEA), Nicolas Gerard-Castaing (CEA), Stéphane Bourganel (CEA)
Historical Review and Proof-of-Concept Future Method Demonstration of Adaptive Mesh Refinement in Nuclear Engineering for Increased Fidelity and Computational Efficiency
Kristin Stolte (TAMU), Pavel Tsvetkov (TAMU)
Analysis of Near-Field and Far-Field Aerosol Dispersion for Microreactors
Rohan Biwalkar (Pittsburgh Technical), Adam Stein (Breakthrough Institute), Sola Talabi (Pittsburgh Technical)
Continuous Removal of Fission Products from Molten-Salt-Fueled Reactors
Rolland Johnson (Muons), Bruce McNamara (PNNL), Thomas J. Roberts (Muons), R. Bruce Vogelaar (Virginia Tech)
Verification of the LOTUS Code with C5G7 Benchmark
Dzianis Litskevich (Univ. Liverpool), Sebastian Davies (Univ. Liverpool), Anna Detkina (Univ. Liverpool), Bruno Merk (Univ. Liverpool)
Modeling of the TRIGA IPR-R1 Research Reactor with the Serpent2/RINNOVO Nodal Core Analysis Package
Wilker Santos (CDTN / CNEN-MG), Petri Forslund Guimarães (GuimaSoft Computing), Daniel Campolina (CDTN / CNEN - MG), Erwin Müller (CompuSim), Graiciany de Paula Barros (CDTN / CNEN-MG), André Campagnole Santos (CDTN / CNEN-MG)
Layered CAD/CSG Geometry for Neutronics Modeling of Advanced Reactors
Elliott Biondo (ORNL), Gregory Davidson (ORNL), Brian Ade (ORNL)
Development of a High-Fidelity Multi-Physics Coupling Between MCNP6.2 and CTF4.0 for VVER Applications
Yesim Kutlu (NCSU), Pascal Rouxelin (NCSU), Maria Avramova (NCSU), Kostadin Ivanov (NCSU)
Neutronics and Thermal-Hydraulics Simulation of Generic Pebble-Bed Fluoride-Salt-Cooled High-Temperature Reactor (gFHR)
Jin Li (Univ. Michigan), Shai Kinast (Nuclear Research Center Negev), Volkan Seker (Univ. Michigan), Nader Satvat (Kairos Power), Dan O'Grady (ANL), Rui Hu (ANL), Thomas Downar (Univ. Michigan)
Benchmark Evaluation of One Dimensional Array of HEU Moderated and Reflected by Lucite
Igor Lengar (Jožef Stefan Institute), Domen Kotnik (Jožef Stefan Institute), Luka Snoj (Jožef Stefan Institute), Jesson Hutchinson (LANL), Rene Sanchez (LANL), Travis Grove (LANL)
NucMesh: Nuclear Reactor Geometry Creation and Mesh Generation Module in NEMoSys
Seth Pemberton (Illinois Rocstar), Alessandro Gondolo (Illinois Rocstar)
Alternative Analysis of the MINERVE ZPR Oscillation Experiments
Guy Shtotland (Israel Atomic Energy Commmision), Assaf Kolin (Nuclear Research Center Negev ), Benoit Geslot (CEA), Patrick Blaise (CEA), Nir Kastin (Nuclear Research Center Negev )
Sensitivity and Uncertainty Analysis of PWR Spent Fuel Observables to Operational and Model Parameters
P. Romojaro (SCK CEN), K. Ambrožič (Jožef Stefan Institute), D. Čalič (Jožef Stefan Institute), L. Fiorito (SCK CEN), K. Govers (Federaal Agentschap voor Nucleaire Controle), A. Hernandez-Solis (SCK CEN), B. Kos (Jožef Stefan Institute), P. Schillebeeckx (European Commission), A. Stankovskiy (SCK CEN), G. Žerovnik (Jožef Stefan Institute), M. Kromar (Jožef Stefan Institute)
Thermal Neutron Scattering Cross Sections for Amorphous Carbon
T. Ahmed (NCSU), N.C. Fleming (NCSU), A.I. Hawari (NCSU)
Development of a Point Kinetics Subroutine for Molten Salt Reactors in RELAP5-3D
John R. Ross (Univ. Texas, Austin), Kevin T. Clarno (Univ. Texas, Austin), Kyzer Gerez (Univ. Texas, Austin), Y.J. Choi (INL)
Power Distribution Estimation Method for SMR Using Ex-Core Detectors: Experimental Demonstration by Plural Control Rod Patterns at KUCA
Rei Kimura (Toshiba Energy Systems and Solutions), Tadafumi Sano (Kindai Univ.), Yuki Nakai (Toshiba Energy Systems and Solutions ), Atsushi Sakon (Kindai Univ.), Satoshi Wada (Toshiba Energy Systems and Solutions ), Kunihiro Nakajima (Kindai Univ.), Takashi Kanda (Kindai Univ.), Masaki Goto (Kindai Univ.), Yoshiyuki Takahashi (Kyoto Univ.), Cheol Ho Pyeon (Kyoto Univ.)
Importance of 3-D SN Depletion in Non-Proliferation Using BSOLVE
Meng-Jen Wang (Univ. Utah), Glenn E. Sjoden (Univ. Utah), Tanner W. Hall (Univ. Utah)
Space-Dependent Calculation of the Multiplicity Moments for Shells
Imre Pázsit (Chalmers Univ. of Technology), Victor Dykin (Chalmers Univ. of Technology)
Deployment of the HFIRCON Transport and Depletion Tool for Plutonium-238 Production Studies
D. Chandler (ORNL), C.R. Daily (ORNL)
Development of the MCNP-ORIGEN Activation Automation tool
Roberto E. Fairhurst-Agosta (Univ. Illinois, Urbana-Champaign), Austin L. Carter (INL), Joshua L. Peterson-Droogh (INL)
Adjoint Sensitivity Analysis and Data Assimilation for Verification of Dry Storage Cask Contents
Zi Liang Tan (Univ. Cambridge), Eugene Shwageraus (Univ. Cambridge)
Neutronics Modeling of the Pulsed Plasma Rocket Reactor Using Rattlesnake
Jessica Williams (NCSU), Troy Howe (Howe Industries), Jason Hou (NCSU)
Presented by Kan Ni (NCSU)
Stereolithographic Geometry Model of the IBR-2M Experimental Facility
A. Talamo (ANL), Y. Gohar (ANL), Yu. N. Pepelyshev (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research), A. Vinogradov (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research)
Presented by A. Bergeron (ANL)
Performance Improvements of the Windowed Multipole Formalism Using a Rational Fraction Approximation of the Faddeeva Function
Benoit Forget (MIT), Jiankai Yu (MIT), Gavin Ridley (MIT)
Design of a Neural Thermal Scattering (NeTS) Module for Hydrogen in Light Water
C.A. Manring (NCSU), A.I. Hawari (NCSU)
A Unified Framework of Stabilized Finite Element Method for Solving the Boltzmann Transport Equation
Liangzhi Cao (Xi’an Jiaotong Univ.), Chao Fang (Xi’an Jiaotong Univ.), Yifei Li (Xi’an Jiaotong Univ.), Qingming He (Xi’an Jiaotong Univ.)
Stability Analysis of Monte Carlo Burnup Calculation Based on PWR Fuel Rods
Ziliang Zeng (Sino-French Institute of Nuclear Engineering and Technology), Adrien Bidaud (CNRS)
Presented by Davide Portinari (Institut Laue-Langevin)
Statistical Uncertainty of Fission Matrix Eigenvalues Using Perturbation Theory
Constantin Bénilan (Univ. Grenoble Alpes), Adrien Bidaud (Univ. Grenoble Alpes), Thomas Croisette (Univ. Grenoble Alpes), Juliette Martin (Univ. Grenoble Alpes), Laurent Chabert (TechnicAtome)
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