Location: Westinghouse Electric Company LLC
Location: 1000 Westinghouse Dr,
Location: Cranberry Twp, PA 16066

Tour Start/Stop Time: 2:00-4:00 pm

Bus Departure (Hotel)/Arrival Time (Hotel): 1:00-5:00 pm

Tour Description: The AP1000 simulator is an accurate and realistic implementation of a control room for a modern Westinghouse AP1000 nuclear power plant. The tour will provide a real-time experience of reactor control and response to simulated reactor and power demand transients. The simulator is used to train operators on all plant procedures from startup to shutdown, including operations under an extensive range of transients. The simulator operates continuously and realistically through all modes of plant operation.

The eVinci micro-reactor’s innovative design is a combination of space reactor technologies and 50+ years of commercial nuclear systems design, engineering and innovation. The eVinci micro-reactor aims to create competitive and resilient power with superior reliability and minimal maintenance, particularly for energy consumers in remote locations. Its small size allows for standard transportation methods and rapid, on-site deployment in contrast to large, centralized stations. The reactor core is designed to run for three or more years, eliminating the need for frequent refueling.

Westinghouse NDA needs to be filled out to participate.