ANS is committed to advancing, fostering, and promoting the development and application of nuclear sciences and technologies to benefit society.
Explore the many uses for nuclear science and its impact on energy, the environment, healthcare, food, and more.
Division Spotlight
Radiation Protection & Shielding
The Radiation Protection and Shielding Division is developing and promoting radiation protection and shielding aspects of nuclear science and technology — including interaction of nuclear radiation with materials and biological systems, instruments and techniques for the measurement of nuclear radiation fields, and radiation shield design and evaluation.
Meeting Spotlight
Conference on Nuclear Training and Education: A Biennial International Forum (CONTE 2025)
February 3–6, 2025
Amelia Island, FL|Omni Amelia Island Resort
Standards Program
The Standards Committee is responsible for the development and maintenance of voluntary consensus standards that address the design, analysis, and operation of components, systems, and facilities related to the application of nuclear science and technology. Find out What’s New, check out the Standards Store, or Get Involved today!
Latest Magazine Issues
Jan 2025
Jul 2024
Latest Journal Issues
Nuclear Science and Engineering
February 2025
Nuclear Technology
Fusion Science and Technology
Latest News
Feinstein Institutes to research novel radiation countermeasure
The Feinstein Institutes for Medical Research, home of the research institutes of New York’s Northwell Health, announced it has received a five-year, $2.9 million grant from the National Institutes of Health to investigate the potential of human ghrelin, a naturally occurring hormone, as a medical countermeasure against radiation-induced gastrointestinal syndrome (GI-ARS).
Sunday, May 15, 2022|1:00–5:30PM EDT
The Kraken framework is a computational reactor analysis framework developed at VTT for both safety analyses and general research and educational purposes. With the neutronics side building heavily on the in-house Monte Carlo code Serpent, the framework couples novel Finnish solvers for core physics but also couples to state-of-the-art third pary solvers. The Python based multi-physics driver Cerberus and the Python package of pre- and post-processing methods KrakenTools aim to simplify core analysis tasks. Work is ongoing to license the framework free of charge for non-commercial use with distribution through the OECD/NEA data bank and the RSICC.
1. Motivation behind Kraken development.
2. Current solvers in the Kraken framework.
3. KrakenTools, a Python package to help working with Kraken solvers.
4. Coupled multi-physics calculations with Kraken.
5. Demonstration: SMR operating cycle analysis with Kraken.
6. Current status of licensing and distribution.