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Lateral Turbulent Mixing in Narrow Rectangular Channels

10:45–11:05AM EDT

Basar Ozar (ANL), Jeremy R. Licht (ANL), Francesc Puig (ANL), Mohammad Kalimullah (ANL), Aurelien Bergeron (ANL)

New Developments of Subchannel CFD for Mixed Convection in Bare and Wire-Wrapped Rod Bundles Under Supercritical Pressure Conditions

11:05–11:25AM EDT

C. Zhang (Univ. Sheffield), S. He (Univ. Sheffield), B. Liu (Daresbury Laboratory)

Comparative Thermal Performance of Downdraft and Updraft Forced Convection in a Representative 3x3 PWR Fuel Assembly

11:25–11:45AM EDT

Vivek M. Rao (ORNL), Joseph D. Smith (Missouri Univ. Science and Technology)

CHF Prediction During an RIA with a BISON and THM Coupled Model

11:45AM–12:05PM EDT

L. C. Aldeia Machado (Penn State), E. Merzari (Penn State), W. Walters (Penn State), L. Charlot (INL)


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