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Fulvio Mascari

ENEA Italy

Fulvio has a Master’s Degree in Nuclear Engineering (2006) and the doctorate PhD in “Nuclear, Chemical and Safety Technology” (2010) at the University of Palermo.

Since September 2013 he has worked as a researcher at the ENEA. His technical field is the nuclear reactor thermal-hydraulics in reactor coolant systems/containment, and their coupling and the analyses of severe accident phenomena. In relation to that, he is an expert on the use of best estimate thermal-hydraulic system code (RELAP5 and TRACE) and severe accident code (ASTEC and MELCOR).

Currently he is investigating severe accident issues in PWR and BWR reactor types, the analyses of the capability of best estimate thermal-hydraulic system code to simulate the main phenomena typical of advanced light water reactor, as small modular reactor, and the thermal-hydraulic phenomena typical of fusion reactor, the analyses of the scaling issues, the analyses of the capability of severe accident code to simulate degradation phenomena, and the application of the probabilistic method to propagate input uncertainty in deterministic safety analyses.

He is involved in several international activities (e.g. EURATOM Projects, OECD/NEA/CSNI/WGAMA activities, IAEA activities, etc).


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