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Nuclear Thermal Propulsion Reactor: Recent Advances in Design, Materials, and Fuel Testing

10:00–10:25AM CDT

Gerald Lilienthal (General Atomics), Christina A. Back (General Atomics), Robert W. Schleicher (General Atomics), Ryan P. Hon (General Atomics Electromagnetic Systems), Jonas Opperman (General Atomics), Nicole Pacheco (General Atomics), Hesham E. Khalifa (General Atomics), Christopher Nodine (General Atomics), Nicholas Eidietis (General Atomics), Andrew Giles (General Atomics), Simrun Saini (General Atomics), Jaclynn Unangst (General Atomics), Matthew Virgen (General Atomics), Bob Noren (General Atomics), Brian Parme (General Atomics), Ray Pili (General Atomics), James Pate (General Atomics), Brian Cluggish (General Atomics), John M. Bolin (General Atomics), Christian P. Deck (General Atomics), Millie Andrews (General Atomics), Lloyd Brown (General Atomics), Qinghong Chen (General Atomics), Michael Cevallos (General Atomics), Michael Condon (General Atomics), Patrick Howard (General Atomics), Jackie Renteria (General Atomics), Kenneth Redler (General Atomics), Zachary Spidell (General Atomics), Trey Villarreal (General Atomics), Mohammad Alavi (General Atomics), Daniel-Steve Fournier (General Atomics), Daniel Keane (General Atomics)

Ground Testing Concept of Operations for the First Generation Nuclear Thermal Propulsion Engine

10:25–10:50AM CDT

Daria Nikitaeva (AMA), Matthew Duchek (AMA), Corey D. Smith (AMA)

Development of Sieverts Apparatus for High Pressure Thermodynamic Behavior of Zirconium Hydride

10:50–11:15AM CDT

Darrell S. Cheu (LANL), Aditya Shivprasad (LANL), Caitlin A. Kohnert (LANL), Erofili Kardoulaki (LANL)

Preliminary Thermochemical Response of Zirconium Alloys to Seeded Hydrogen for Nuclear Thermal Propulsion

11:15–11:40AM CDT

Phylis Makurunje (Bangor Univ.), Simon C. Middleburgh (Bangor Univ.)


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