Our speakers are out of this world!

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Craig H. Piercy
American Nuclear Society

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Michael J. Barrett, Ph.D.
NASA’s Glenn Research Center

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Kurt Polzin, Ph.D.
NASA's Space Nuclear Propulsion Office

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A.C. Charania
NASA Chief Technologist

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Travis Knight, Ph.D.
University of South Carolina

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L. Dale Thomas, Ph.D., P.E.
University of Alabama in Huntsville

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Koroush Shirvan, Ph.D.

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Joseph K. Miller
BWXT Advanced Technologies LLC

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Georgette Alexander-Morrison
Vice President,
X-energy Capture and Proposals

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Christina A. Back, Ph.D.
Vice President,
General Atomics Nuclear Technologies and Materials

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Brian C. Odom, PhD, MLIS
NASA Chief Historian

NETS is the premier annual gathering of individuals from NASA, national laboratories, industry, and academia for discussions on space nuclear power and propulsion with an additional focus on new and emerging technologies to further space exploration capabilities.

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