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Cross Sections Generation and SPH Correction Methods for Deterministic Code Simulation of the Westinghouse LFR Design

1:00–1:25PM MDT

Christian Vita (Politecnico di Torino), Nicolo' Abrate (Politecnico di Torino), Sandra Dulla (Politecnico di Torino), Fausto Franceschini (Westinghouse Electric Co.)

Application of Nodal Numerical Adjoints for Kinetic Parameters Assessment in Two-Step Nodal Code KANT

1:25–1:50PM MDT

Taesuk Oh (KAIST), Dongju Choi (KAIST), Yonghee Kim (KAIST)

LDR Lite Benchmark Core Analysis Exercise with CASMO5 and SIMULATE5

1:50–2:15PM MDT

Emiliya L. Georgieva (Studsvik Scandpower), Tamer Bahadir (Studsvik Scandpower)

Mini-Reactor Once-Through Operation Cycle High-Burnup Fuel Depletion Performance Impacts Verification

2:15–2:40PM MDT

Gray S. Chang (JFoster & Assoc.), Patrick J. Moo (JFoster & Assoc.), Julie Foster (JFoster & Assoc.), John Bess (JFoster & Assoc.)


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