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Neutronics Analysis of a Lead-cooled Fast Reactor Using Griffin

10:00–10:25AM MDT

Zachary D. Bevans (NCSU), Scott Palmtag (NCSU), Javier Ortensi (INL)

Improvements to the MOOSE Reactor Geometry Mesh Builder to Streamline Mesh Generation Workflows for Advanced Reactor Designs

10:25–10:50AM MDT

Shikhar Kumar (MIT), Logan H. Harbour (TAMU), Guillaume Giudicelli (INL), Yinbin Miao (ANL), Yeon Sang Jung (ANL), Emily R. Shemon (ANL)

Fundamental Improvements to the MOOSE Reactor Module and Mesh System for Meshing Advanced Reactor Geometries

10:50–11:15AM MDT

Yinbin Miao (ANL), Aaron Oaks (ANL), Guillaume Giudicelli (INL), Roy Stogner (INL), Soon K. Lee (ANL), Yeon Sang Jung (ANL), Shikhar Kumar (ANL), Emily R. Shemon (ANL), Kun Mo (ANL), Logan H. Harbour (INL)

APOLLO3-SCRAP Calculation Route for Solid-Fuel Fast Reactors Design Application

11:15–11:40AM MDT

Maciej Zajaczkowski (CEA), Laurent Buiron (CEA)

Presented by Jean-François VIDAL (CEA)


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