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Machine Learning Applied to the Prediction of (n, 2n) Cross Sections

1:00–1:25PM MDT

Lee Morgan (AWE), A. Stott (AWE), S. Sullivan (University of Surrey)

The Influence of Parent Feeding on Delayed-Neutron Group Parameter Estimation from Weighted Nonlinear Least-Squares Regressions

1:25–1:50PM MDT

Yanuar A. Setiawan (Ulsan Nat'l Institute Science and Technology), Douglas A. Fynan (Ulsan Nat'l Institute Science and Technology)

Predicting (n,p) and (n,𝛼) Cross Sections Using Decision Trees

1:50–2:15PM MDT

Rohan N. Teelock-Gaya (Univ. Cambridge), Valeria Raffuzzi (Univ. Cambridge), Eugene Shwageraus (Univ. Cambridge), Lee Morgan (AWE)

Development of a Representative Molten Chloride Fast Reactor Model to Assess the Impact of Nuclear Data

2:15–2:40PM MDT

Rakim Hirji (Georgia Tech), Germina Procop (ORNL), Friederike Bostelmann (ORNL), Rabab R. Elzohery (ORNL)


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