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EDIM Local Power History and Burnup Inference Based on Destructive Assay Data

10:00–10:25AM MDT

Shiming Yin (Purdue Univ.), TARIKUL ISLAM (Purdue Univ.), Ugur Mertyurek (ORNL), Germina Procop (ORNL), Hany S. Abdel-Khalik (Purdue Univ.)

Activation Calculation Comparison Between FISPACT, OpenMC, and ORIGEN

10:25–10:50AM MDT

Jin Whan Bae (ORNL), Yves Robert (ORNL)

Multi-Cycle Neutronics Verification in the Kraken Framework

10:50–11:15AM MDT

Ville H. Valtavirta (VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland)

Alpha Eigenvalue and Beta-Effective Calculations of High Multiplication Uranium Experiments

11:15–11:40AM MDT

William J. Zywiec (LLNL), Jesse D. Norris (LLNL), Samuel Varghese (LLNL), David P. Heinrichs (LLNL), Daniel Siefman (LLNL), Edward Lent (LLNL), Chuck Lee (LLNL), Anthony Nelson (LLNL)


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