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Generation of a Low-Fidelity Covariance Library in EPICS for Photon-Electron Radiation Transport Applications

10:00–10:25AM MDT

Mekiel Olguin (Univ. New Mexico), Christopher M. Perfetti (Univ. New Mexico), Aaron J. Olson (Sandia), Brian C. Franke (Sandia)

Preliminary Verification of Fixed-Source Sensitivity and Uncertainty Analysis in OpenMC

10:25–10:50AM MDT

Bamidele Ebiwonjumi (MIT), Ethan E. Peterson (MIT), Benoit Forget (MIT)

CWENO Interpolation for Non-Oscillatory Stochastic Collocation in Uncertainty Quantification Problems

10:50–11:15AM MDT

Alina Chertock (NCSU), Arsen S. Iskhakov (Kansas State), Anna Iskhakova (Kansas State), Alexander Kurganov (Southern Univ., China)

Advancing the STS Neutron Moderator Optimization with an Automated Workflow and Unstructured Mesh Modeling

11:15–11:40AM MDT

Kristel L. Ghoos (ORNL), Lukas Zavorka (ORNL), Igor Remec (ORNL)


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