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GPU Accelerated SN Transport Calculation with Unstructured Meshes in STRAUM

8:00–8:25AM MDT

Ao Zhang (Hanyang Univ.), Seungil Jeong (Hanyang Univ.), Ser G. Hong (Hanyang Univ.)

Performance Improvements of the Implicit Monte Carlo Method with Event-Based Vectorization on CPUs

8:25–8:50AM MDT

Joseph Farmer (Univ. Notre Dame), Alex R. Long (LANL)

Parallelization of Correlated Sampling Uncertainty Estimation in the iDTMC (Improved Deterministic Truncation of Monte Carlo) Analysis of Sodium-Cooled Fast Reactors

8:50–9:15AM MDT

Sunjoo Yoon (KAIST), Inyup Kim (KAIST), Taesuk Oh (KAIST), Yonghee Kim (KAIST)

Introduction of GPU-Enabled CMFD Acceleration for Performance Enhancement of Neutron Transport Code STREAM3D-GPU

9:15–9:40AM MDT

Fathurrahman Setiawan (Ulsan Nat'l Institute Science and Technology), Siarhei Dzianisau (Ulsan Nat'l Institute Science and Technology), Deokjung Lee (Ulsan Nat'l Institute Science and Technology)


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