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A Hybrid Second Moment Method for Thermal Radiative Transfer

8:00–8:25AM MDT

Michael Pozulp (LLNL), Terry S. Haut (LLNL), Patrick S. Brantley (LLNL), Samuel Olivier (LANL), Jasmina L. Vujic (Univ. California, Berkeley)

A Second Moment Transport Method for Semi-Implicit Nonlinear Thermal Radiative Transfer

8:25–8:50AM MDT

Joseph M. Coale (LANL), James S. Warsa (LANL), Samuel Olivier (Univ. California, Berkeley), Dmitriy Y. Anistratov (NCSU), Jim E. Morel (TAMU)

Generalized Non-Equilibrium Marshak Wave Solutions in the Gray Diffusion Approximation

8:50–9:15AM MDT

Menahem Krief (Racah Institute), Ryan G. McClarren (Univ. Notre Dame)

Multilevel Method with Low-Order Equations of Mixed Types and Two Grids in Photon Energy for Thermal Radiative Transfer

9:15–9:40AM MDT

Dmitriy Y. Anistratov (NCSU), Terry S. Haut (LLNL)


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