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High-fidelity Pebble Bed Reactor Depletion Based on Pebble Tracking Transport in Griffin

3:15–3:40PM MDT

Yaqi Wang (INL), Joshua Hanophy (INL), Javier Ortensi (INL), Namjae Choi (INL)

Numerical Method Improvements in Griffin for Pebble Bed Reactors with a Focus on the Computation of Burnup

3:40–4:05PM MDT

Joshua T. Hanophy (INL), Paolo Balestra (INL), Rodrigo deOliveira (INL)

Accounting for Self-Shielding Effects in Advanced Inventory Simulation, Using Probability Table, Universal Curve Methods

4:05–4:30PM MDT

Jean-Christophe C. Sublet (CCFE), Mark Gilbert (U.K. Atomic Energy Authority)

Fast Burnup Calculation Method Based on Neutron Spectrum Reconstruction with Proper Orthogonal Decomposition and Regression Models

4:30–4:55PM MDT

Tomoaki Watanabe (JAEA), Naoto Aizawa (Tohoku Univ.), Go Chiba (Hokkaido Univ.), Kenichi Tada (JAEA), Akio Yamamoto (Nagoya Univ.)


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