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An Efficient Variance-Based Uncertainty Decomposition Methodology for Nuclear Data in LWR Depletion Calculations

1:00–1:25PM MDT

Lars Engelen (SCK CEN), Luca Fiorito (SCK CEN), Gert Van den Eynde (SCK CEN)

Application of CASMO5 Nuclear Data Uncertainty Quantification to Similarity Analysis Using Integral Indices

1:25–1:50PM MDT

Rodolfo M. Ferrer (Studsvik Scandpower), Joshua Hykes (Studsvik Scandpower)

Depletion Perturbation Theory Methodology for Analyzing the Sensitivity of Advanced Activation Chains

1:50–2:15PM MDT

Benjamin R. Murphy (Univ. New Mexico), Christopher M. Perfetti (Univ. New Mexico)

Preliminary Sensitivity Analysis of Time-Dependent Code Outputs in Fuel Performance Models Using OFFBEAT for Future Calibration

2:15–2:40PM MDT

Sara Maccario (Paul Scherrer Institute), Gustav Robertson (Uppsala Univ.), Edoardo L. Brunetto (École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne), Alessandro Scolaro (Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne), Mathieu Hursin (Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne), Michel Saliba (École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne)


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