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Examining Xe-Induced Oscillations in Monte Carlo Depletion Simulations

8:00–8:25AM MDT

Bojan Petrovic (Georgia Tech), Jonathon Faulkner (Georgia Tech)

Comparison of TMI-1 PWR SFCOMPO-2.0 Burnup Measurements with MCNP+BSOLVE Using Direct Multi-Group Cross Sections

8:25–8:50AM MDT

Taylor S. Kimball (Univ. Utah), Glenn E. Sjoden (Univ. Utah)

Novel Methods for Burnup Credit in the MONK Monte Carlo Code

8:50–9:15AM MDT

Simon D. Richards (Amentum), Jessica A. Fildes (Amentum), David Hanlon (Amentum), Brian J. Jones (Amentum)

Decay Heat Analysis of Non-LWR Spent Fuel Using SCALE

9:15–9:40AM MDT

Yves Robert (ORNL), Germina Procop (ORNL)


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